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Is Paper An Environmental Problem?

According to the Environmental Paper Network, global paper consumption has tripled in the past 50 years. Its use is now at unsustainable levels. In 2014, world paper production reached 400 million tons. It is estimated that this will increase by 90 million tonnes by 2020.


But is there really a problem? When a tree is cut down, another tree can grow in its place and then repeat the process 20 to 35 years later.


But the paper industry still has problems.


The paper industry causes many environmental problems. These include air and water pollution, agricultural waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Large-scale afforestation in rural and indigenous communities is also a problem. In addition, the Environmental Documents Network said that between 2010 and 2015, the area of forests decreased by 3.3 million hectares per year.


That figure doesn't even take into account all the factors. It does not include natural forests and wildlife areas destroyed to make way for timber plantations and plantations.


This doesn't mean we should give up paper altogether. There are many reasons why paper is good for the environment and the economy.


Sustainable forests can act as a natural source of oxygen, helping to keep the air clean and protecting wildlife habitats. The paper industry also provides a regular income for global agriculture. Also, since paper can be recycled many times, landfills should not be clogged.


Problems arise when paper is not responsibly procured, produced and recycled. Therefore, to solve these problems, the answer lies in the use of environmentally friendly materials.


Is Paper An Environmental Problem?

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